1、1、ETF product name: token name + leverage multiple + bullish / bearish direction, such as BTC3L means BTC 3 times bullish product.

2、3L represents a 1% increase in the price of the trading pair and a 3% increase in the net value of the product.

3、3S indicates that the price of the trading pair fell 1% and the net value of the product rose 3%.

4、Please pay attention to check the net value before trading. Under extreme market conditions, the product will have the risk that the price will approach zero and the price will deviate far from the net value. Investors should pay attention to controlling risks.

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      Net worth

      Bullish net value = net value at the last adjustment point * [1 + multiple * (the latest spot transaction price - the spot price at the last adjustment point) / the spot price at the last adjustment point * 100%]

      Bearish net value = net value at the last adjustment point * [1-multiple * (the latest spot transaction price - the spot price at the last adjustment point) / the spot price at the last adjustment point * 100%]

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      Available:-USDT Worth :-BTC3L
      Price USDT
      Amount BTC3L
      Total USDT

      Transaction Fee: 0.0(BTC3L)

      BUY  BTC3L
      Available:-BTC3L Worth:-USDT
      Price USDT
      Amount BTC3L
      Total USDT

      Transaction Fee: 0.0(USDT)

      SELL  BTC3L

      Dear user, hello!

      Thank you for logging in and using the leverage ETF products and related services (hereinafter referred to as "ETF products") provided by Coinw.ai. Please read the ETF product description and the following risk warnings carefully. If you choose to continue using ETF products after it, it is deemed that you have fully acknowledged and understood the risks of ETF products, and have the capacity to bear the losses that may be caused by using ETF products. Also, you agree with the entire contents of this disclaimer.Please click to read the ETF product description: 《Leverage ETF Product FAQ》

      Risk warning:

      1. The price you buy / sell should not deviate significantly from the unit's net worth, otherwise you will suffer corresponding losses.

      2. If the direction is wrong, there will be a risk that the price will approach zero in extreme conditions.

      CoinW hereby solemnly reminds you that any losses or liabilities caused by the above risks will be borne by you and CoinW will not bear any responsibility for this. This disclaimer, together with other agreements, statements, rules, etc., constitute all the agreements reached on the services and products of the CoinW between you and CoinW.